Pirate night brings new faces to the helm

The theme was pirates (very ably and punningly led by Sebastian Lane) on a night which brought new leadership to the good ship West Herts Speakers. The changes were not brought about by waving cutlasses but by the annual election of office bearers.

The officers elect are:

  • President: Anthony Boboe
  • Vice Presidents Education: Irina Baldwin and Judy Mallinson
  • VP PR: Tom Goodfellow
  • VP Membership: Anthony Brennan
  • Secretary: Corinne Frydman
  • Sergeant at Arms: Spencer
  • Immediate Past President: Richard Beagle

Ribbon winners for the evening were:

  • Table Topics: Philip Walls on what a pirate would wear
  • Speaker: Karen Willis on “Garden Adventure” – a spellbinding true tale brought to life with a slideshow of drawings.
  • Evaluators: it was a “Richard & Judy” tie for Richard Beagle’s evaluation of Karen’s speech and Judy Mallinson’s evaluation of Monica Alabi’s clever metaphor involving incubating duck eggs and a new career.

Special mention to Jenny Davison who turned her Ah Counter role into a pirate’s “Aaaargh” counter and Sarah Lovell for a general evaluation that charmingly reminded us all that the meeting is about those coming for the first time.

Hey, someone's missing!
Hey, someone’s missing!
Phillip exhibits some reluctance to have his photo taken.
We can see you! Philip exhibits some reluctance to have his photo taken.
Moments before going official...
The one they think will not be published…
At last, a line up: Best Speaker Karen Willis (2nd from left); Tied Evaluators Richard Beagle (left) and Judy Mallinson (centre); Best Impromptu Philip Walls (2nd right) and Area Director John Kendall (right).