With the new Toastmaster year beginning, it’s time to think about the growth the club has seen in the past year. With the pandemic, there were many challenges that the club faced however the club was able to stand strong and go beyond the stars.
The last meeting of the Toastmaster year took place on June 30th where West Herts Speakers Club celebrated it’s 25th birthday. Ryan Parke led the meeting in his shining armour, there were many special moments like Colin’s speech and everyone seeing each other.
Judy Mallison, the president gave a speech about the success the year has been and passed on the mantle to Aparna. The committee were then able to lead and make the event one of the best. The committee organised a bingo competition which was tense and exciting for everyone playing, the bingo was won by several teams and the night was an overall success.
Throughout the Toastmaster year, there are several people who went beyond, and the club would like to congratulate Zsuzsanna Jakabfi for becoming the Vice-President Public Relations of the year, Ricard Beagle becoming Life member and Ryan Parke for being the best Evaluator in District 71. Three more members who were in the top three for awards in their roles, Hannelore Lackner for Zoom Master/ Sergeant at Arms, Ged Byrne for Vice President of Education and Judy Mallinson for President.
Lastly but not least, Colin Donald who has been at the club for 25 years and always brought a smile to everyone’s face. Special thanks to the committee for making 2020-2021 year such a great year for all the members in the club.
With the new committee coming in, it is the start of a year which will have its own challenges and successes.